The Coach

Mr.Rahman Khan (Mambo)

The club holds a string of 40 beautiful well done polo horses trained under Mr. Mambo, his experience and skill is unmatched.

 Ex 61st Cavalry of Indian Army.
 Served the royal family of UAE as a coach to the princess for around 10 yrs.

Strict and calm is a great combination. His SPIRIT to teach is what drives his students to the stable come dawn.

Club Horses

Groundwork provides the horse with what he needs before you can ask for what you want.

Our coach completely believes the above and most of his day goes in preparing and nurturing the horses.

Our Top 10 Horses

Buy A Horse

Feel free to contact us. We shall give you a horse that suits your profile.

Rent A Horse

You practically can own a horse. By taking one on rent. Its a great feeling to have a horse who follows your commands. Your own personal horse. The club only maintains it.

 Approximately Rs.15,000/- per month.

 Approximately Rs.12,000/- per month.

Stable Your Horse

If you already have a horse. Keep your horse at the finest stabling facility in the city. Open to air extremely spacious , great enviroment and even better hospitality.